A 12-year-old captured the hearts of netizens recently when he livestreamed himself giving a ‘live’ report about a huge snake which was discovered in his housing area in Kedah.

In the video, which lasted just almost 3 minutes, the boy introduced himself and gave details of the incident in a fast-paced manner, just like how a TV reporter would deliver a breaking news story to viewers.

“Assamualaikum and good evening. I am Mohamad Haziq Mohamad Asyraf. Latest news! latest news! An incident just took place at a market at Bukit Selambau,” he started his report.

“There is an appearance of a huge snake at a drain at the market,” said the boy, who was walking and talking, at the same time, just like a TV reporter would do during a ‘live’ reporting at any scene of major incidents.

The boy informed the viewers that Jabatan Pertahanan Awam (Malaysia Civil Defence Department) had been called to move the snake to a safer place.

He even brought ‘viewers’ to the place of the incident and bravely showed a glimpse of the snake through the drain hole.

The funny and yet adorable video of the young boy, which was viewed almost 600,000 times, brings a smile, and yet, you want to applaud the boy for his courage in report the ‘live’ news to the viewers, with great details!

Following the viral report, Mohamad Haziq was even met by Astro Awani, and allowed to take over the mic for a few minutes to give a report on his local wet market.

You can watch Mohamad Haziq’s original video here.