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Whatever happened to having manners?

IT is certainly frustrating to wait for one’s food for a very long time but in certain situations, especially when it comes to food deliveries, maybe it is wise to not say anything in a fit of anger as delivery riders also have a lot on their plate.

A delivery rider was allegedly called a degrading term while waiting for the customer’s late night food order.

Mohd Idham Khalid shared the alleged exchange on Facebook in which the customer had purportedly called the delivery rider “babi”, because he had apparently been waiting for the food for quite some time.

In the post, it was said that the customer had placed an order at around 1am, according to a screenshot of the conversation.

“In this case, their order was received by the vendor but no delivery riders were available at the time. The customer was overlooked this time.

“But when a rider was finally available and already on the way to deliver their order, it was a terrible coincidence that the customer had lost their patience due to hunger

“So, the rider was insulted without knowing what they did wrong,” Mohd said in his post.

In the alleged conversation, the customer’s food order was delayed for over an hour.

Mohd also explained how the online food delivery system works and that sometimes the fault does not necessarily lie on one party alone.

“When an online food order is placed late at night, there is a high chance of getting your food late as not a lot of riders are online at that period of time.

“When it comes to food orders, the vendors receive the order and after accepting, they will prepare the order and assign a rider at the same time,” he explained.

While it is great that certain online food vendors are open till late at night, we as customers must keep in mind that the delivery company and vendors are separate entities and work based on availability.