HOW much money would you want your husband to make in order to marry him? Or vice versa, men, how much would you want your wife to earn?

For Russian women, it’s apparently around US$500 (RM2,347).

In an interview posted onto spstreetstory’s TikTok account, the interviewer inquired a Russian girl on how much a man should make in a month in order to be able to wed a Russian woman.

She first explains that the amount of money a man makes does not matter, however the man’s salary must be sufficient to cover all the cost of the family’s living expenses, therefore, about US$500 (RM2,347) would be enough.

She added that a man should be able to provide a certain amount of money to his wife’s parents, as it is dictated by Russian traditions.

“Actually, it depends. But, all of the money would just go to the wedding.

“Maybe around US$200 (RM942),” shared the girl, after the interviewer queried how much would the man need to give his in-laws.

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The question then jumped onto which party would be responsible to pay for the wedding, to which the girl responded, “Mostly, fiancee pay.”

She then shared a story about a friend who is soon to be married and that her friend’s soon to be husband will be one forking out money for the ceremony.

“I have a friend. Her future husband will pay for the whole wedding.

“A small wedding, only family and very close friends, around US$700 (approximately RM3,295),” she explained, adding that the couple wisely decided to spend their money on their honeymoon trip instead of the wedding.

The video very quickly garnered 1.9 million views, with many TikTok users joking that they “were living in the wrong country” and that they “wanted to hop onto the next flight to Russia”.

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