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EVER answered a test paper knowing that you provided the correct answer but did not receive full marks due to the wrong execution? Recently, a Standard One Mathematics test paper sparked ire online recently due to the teacher’s allegedly unfair grading.

In the Mathematics test posted by Othman Talib on Facebook showed the Standard One student’s answer marked as incorrect.

In the test, the question asked what was the total added for RM0.60+RM0.60+RM0.80 equals to and since it comes up to 200 cents, the student put RM2 as their answer.

Othman stated that the answer should have still been accepted as the right answer.

“If a student gave the answer as RM2, he/she has correctly added the values and just expressed the answer in RM, which is mathematically correct. It is awkward for the kids to say or write 200 cents!

“Please give full marks to this answer. This is indeed a Higher Level Thinking Skills (KBAT) answer as you all wish for it or else you deny the student’s right to get full marks,” he said in his post.

Netizens agreed with Othman’s sentiments, remarking on the teacher’s need to be by the book instead of exploring other alternatives.

They also commented that the teacher should have added a value to the question, to ensure that the student answered accordingly.

Did the teacher make the right call in marking the student’s answer? What do you think?