GRADUATING from university can be quite the momentous occasion as students have worked hard to earn that scroll of recognition for their hard work.
But not every graduation ceremony has to be dull. Of course one deserves to celebrate this occasion in their own way.
Recently, a group students from Cyberjaya University were spotted dancing with their Vice Chancellor to a urumi melam band, belting out traditional Indian folk music with drums.
In a TikTok video, the group of Indian male students pulled the vice chancellor to join their circle and he was seen participating happily in their dance.
A distinct feature in Tamil culture, urumi melam is a type of folk music played with various drums during celebratory occasions such as weddings and harvest festivals and other events like drama performances.
As of late, urumi melam bands have been spotted performing in Malaysian university graduation ceremonies and non-Indian weddings, slowly assimilating in the nation’s multicultural landscape.
Netizens were moved at the heartwarming moment and reminded that there is nothing wrong with a little bit of fun after the sacrifice and challenges faced to get that degree.
“Congratulations! You all have struggled with sleepless nights completing tasks and assignments on top of studying. A little celebration won’t hurt. You deserve it,” a netizen commented.