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CUSTOMER SERVICE is quite the arduous job as one has to deal with customers and their flighty attitudes.

While it is common to come across unsavoury customers, there are customer service employees who do treat their customers badly.

A frustrated young woman shared how her mother was allegedly mistreated by two sales assistants in a high-end boutique located in Shah Alam.

Trisya Lee shared in a TikTok video that she and her mother were looking for professional footwear in the shopping mall and were searching for quite a while until they entered a higher end establishment.

“I can see that the store employee was so rude to my mother by how they were looking at her like she was a beggar asking for money

“It is 2023. I thought this mentality was displayed at Pavilion. You are not working in Las Vegas, or even in London,” she said exasperated when recalling the incident.

Providing further proof, Trisya took a photo of one of the store’s rude employee while another, who she alleged to be quite rude was inside when the picture was taken.

Furthermore, Trisya mentioned receiving testimonies from her friends who confirmed being treated poorly at the outlet.

“Are you the owner of the store? Are you the CEO? So who are you to act all high and mighty towards us?!

“You do realise that if we do not buy from your store, you would not get your pay, right?” she pointed out.

Trisya then said that this was her first time witnessing such treatment by a store employee and concluded that she would rather spend her money elsewhere.

Netizens had related to her mother’s experience and added their own experience of being on the receiving end of bad customer service, especially at the same outlet Trisya and her mom visited.