A woman from Malaysia was charged with selling poisonous skin cream and a strong steroid to customers in Singapore through a number of online retailers.

The Health Sciences Authority (HSA) issued a warning about the cream in June of last year, citing its application as the cause of a baby’s Cushing’s syndrome, according to CNA. The cream was known by the name of Star Cream, or “xing xing gao.”

Under the Poisons Act, Chin Sook Yee, a woman, was accused of 11 counts of selling poisons without a license.

Charged earlier this month, and on Thursday, Nov 30, she appeared in court once more for a further discussion of her case.

The charge sheets state that between Jan 1, 2022, and May 30, 2022, she sold the cream—which was advertised as a homemade cream with natural herbal extracts and appropriate for all skin types—to four customers on an online shopping platform.

Unfortunately, some customers even purchased the product more than once.

However, after the cream bottles were examined, it was discovered that they contained ingredients that the Poisons Act classified as poisons.

If found guilty of selling poisons without a permit, Chin faces a maximum two-year prison sentence, a maximum S$10,000 fine, or both.

In the meantime, Health Savings Account (HSA) announced that it is removing the impacted listings in collaboration with regional social media and e-commerce sites.