A Mamak restaurant located on Hang Tuah Street in Melaka has been mandated to cease operations for a period of 14 days following the circulation of a viral video depicting an employee allegedly urinating in a nearby drain.

According to Kosmo!, Dorothy Dayang Henry Sum, the deputy director of the Melaka Health Department (Food Safety and Quality Division), reported that the decision was made after an inspection revealed unsatisfactory cleanliness conditions at the restaurant.

Acting under Section 14 of the Food Act 1983, the health authorities issued a 14-day closure order and imposed four fines totalling RM1,500, addressing cleanliness concerns about the worker.

The restaurant owner mentioned that the worker, facing water issues in the rented premises next door, resorted to using alternative facilities due to a lack of water in the restaurant’s toilet.

This closure is not the first for the restaurant, which faced closure twice in 2022 over cleanliness-related issues.

The incident stemmed from a 21-second video clip capturing the worker urinating in a drain near Jalan Hang Tuah, close to the restaurant.