NOT being able to bear being away from her family during her time as a teacher, a young mother has found success in selling healthy sandwiches.

Yasmien Aiezzam Yasin, 35, was constantly in tears and unable to focus during her lessons thinking of her young children and her husband back in Kelantan during her time teaching history and geography at a secondary school in Penang.

Sinar Harian reported that she tried to apply for a teaching position in Kelantan but was unsuccessful in her attempts and at the time, she was pregnant with her fourth child.

“It was so hard for me to keep on working at my job to the point that I was depressed and thinking of doing things I should not be doing.

“After about four years in Green Lane, Penang, I didn’t think twice and immediately resigned in 2016,” Yasmien said.

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Her idea to sell her sandwiches came about after her weight gain of over 80 kilograms (kg) following the birth of her fifth child in 2022.

In a bid to drop the kilos, the mother of five figured that sandwiches were the suitable everyday meal, with its diverse fillings perfect for on a diet.

Yasmein shared her creations on social media which had an outpour of positive responses from her friends before she started receiving orders. Currently, her homemade sandwiches are an unexpected hit after six months of “seriously” establishing her business, as quoted.

She admits her excitement to see her efforts flourish after her sandwiches received positive responses especially from those who are not fans of added salt and sugar in their food.

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As of now, Yasmien has created over 20 types of fillings for her sandwiches using fresh ingredients prepared at her home, selling up to 200 sandwiches in a day.

Yasmien mentions that one of the challenges of preparing healthy foods such as her sandwiches is waking up as early as 3am to prepare the ingredients needed in order for them to remain fresh until breakfast.

“Alhamdullilah, my sacrifices have paid off not only for my children but for my self as I can take care of them and run a successful business,” she added.

She also hopes to teach others interested in making and selling healthy food in three years time.