JUST three years ago, Glee co-stars accused Lea Michele of creating a toxic work environment.
That was then. Now, the 36-year-old is a changed person. For the past two years, Lea, a mother and wife, has taken a step back to reflect. She is now hoping to change the perception of herself.
At the moment, she is grateful for a chance to play the role of Fanny Brice in the Broadway play Funny Girl. She has the chance to employ all the things that she has learned over the past years and show her true self.
She has learned to put her feelings aside and concentrate on how to make others feel.
She recalled a time in 2020 when her life got turned upside down and she was clueless as to where she was headed.
Speaking about her Glee days, she said she had to work hard, deal with pressure, and learn about living a life at a young age. She had to deal with intense trauma, tragedy, and anxiety, but she does not use this as an excuse; instead, she accepts it as part of her life journey.