A MYSTERY within a mystery. Thirty years ago Grant McAllister a professor of mathematics and a crime fiction writer worked out a theory that all murder mysteries follow a simple set of rules.
THE book starts off with Marie Mitchell, a former FBI agent, confronting an intruder in her house. In the ensuing struggle, Marie ends up with a bruised cheek, and the stranger with a bullet in his head. ...
STEPHEN Leather’s latest thriller kicks off with an intensity that’s topical and exciting as it involves a war against the terrorists that threaten to wreck havoc in the United Kingdom.
THIS coming of age story is set during a tumultous period in the Philippines when President Ferdinand Marcos placed the country under martial law in the 1970s.
THIS is a four year quest by book editor Richards to find a diverse collection of shorts stories that capture the diversity of the modern Muslim world in hopes of bridging the divide that exist between ...
SCOTT TUROW’S latest work of fiction The Last Trial offers plenty of legal turns, suspense, character studies, but most of all a realisation that we probably don’t know anyone as well as we thought.