This South Korean disaster flick carves out its niche

IN the movie Project Silence, co-written and directed by Kim Tae-gon, plunges viewers into a high-stakes disaster scenario reminiscent of Train to Busan but with its distinctive twists.

With a cast led by Lee Sun-kyun, Ju Ji-hoon and Kim Hee-won, this South Korean film serves up a gripping tale of survival against natural and unnatural threats.

$!The survivors must also contend with scientifically modified killer dogs.

Canines of chaos

At first glance, Project Silence appears to tread familiar ground. Much like Train to Busan, it centres on a group of disparate individuals trapped in a dire situation except this time on a foggy, collapsing airport bridge. The film quickly sets up its premise, worsening weather conditions that lead to a series of catastrophic collisions and explosions, stranding people on the verge of a deadly precipice.

Enter the experimental dogs of Project Silence, released by accident amid the chaos. These ferocious canines, trained for military purposes add an unpredictable and deadly element to the already perilous situation. It is a classic disaster movie setup with an added layer of terror as the survivors must now contend with these ravenous beasts.

$!Each character brings a unique skill set to the proceedings.

The film’s strength lies in its ensemble cast. Lee portrays Cha Jung-Won, a presidential aide whose composure and resourcefulness are tested to the limit. Ju plays Jo Park, a tow truck driver whose practical skills and quick thinking prove invaluable. Hee-won’s Doctor Yang, the head researcher of Project Silence, adds a layer of moral complexity as he grapples with the consequences of his work.

Supporting characters such as Byeong-Hak (Moon Sung-keun), Soon-Ok (Ye Soo-jung) and Mi-Ran (Park Hee-bon) add depth to the narrative, each bringing their strengths and vulnerabilities to the table. The interactions among these characters as they navigate the chaos and forge uneasy alliances, provide some of the film’s most engaging moments.

$!The film also attempts to tug at the heartstrings with moments of genuine emotion.

Moments of levity

Despite its grim premise, Project Silence manages to inject moments of humour into the narrative. These instances of comic relief, often stemming from the characters’ personalities and interactions, offer brief respites from the relentless tension. Whether it is Jo’s deadpan remarks or Doctor Yang’s ironic self-awareness, these lighter moments help balance the film’s darker themes.

The film also attempts to tug at the heartstrings with moments of genuine emotion. Scenes depicting the characters’ backstories, their fears and hopes add an emotional layer to the action. However, these tear-jerking moments sometimes feel forced and can fall flat, disrupting the film’s overall pacing.

Where Project Silence truly differentiates itself is in its blending of disaster movie tropes with a unique horror element. The experimental dogs, while initially seeming like a bizarre addition, ultimately drive the film’s most intense and thrilling sequences. The sight of these beasts stalking through the fog, their eyes glinting with predatory intent, creates a palpable sense of dread.

Ultimately, Project Silence is a mixed bag. It starts as a tribute to Train to Busan but as the story unfolds, it evolves into its distinct narrative. The film has moments of genuine suspense, humour and emotion but these are interspersed with sequences that feel overly long or disjointed.

The film offers an entertaining ride for viewers willing to embrace its quirks. It may not be perfect but with its blend of history, horror and human drama, Project Silence is a thrilling journey worth taking.

The movie is in cinemas now.

$!Project Silence is in cinemas now.

DIRECTOR: Kim Tae-gon

CAST: Lee Sun-kyun, Ju Ji-hoon, Kim Hee-won, Moon Sung-Keun, Ye Soo-jung, Park Hee-bon

E-VALUE: 7/10

PLOT: 7/10

ACTING: 7/10