Here are the top six food groups you should avoid if you are on a journey to clearer skin

HAVE you ever woken up to an unpleasant pimple? We have all been in that situation. Acne, no matter your age, can appear when you least expect it and cause a great deal of discomfort. Whether you’re getting ready for a big job interview, a hot date, or simply seeing friends for a night out, it’s the last thing you want to see in the mirror. Although there are some excellent acne remedies available, it is also critical to be aware of some of the key acne-causing foods to avoid! Before we begin, it is important to recognise that diet is not directly responsible for acne. The following meals might produce a response only if you have acne-prone and overly oily skin, poor gut health, and a lack of a good cleansing regimen.

$!Diets high in carbohydrates are associated with acne. – 123rf

Fast food

We are all aware that fast food isn’t good for us. Fast food is to blame for an increasing variety of health issues, and for the same reasons described above, it should be off-limits to your skin as well. The heavy saturated fats and processed components in French fries, hamburgers, pizza, and other grease-filled finger food can radically disrupt your hormonal balance and blood sugar levels. If you are craving your favourite fast food, consider cooking your own at home. It is way healthier.

$!Too much sugar can cause insulin spikes which can lead to acne. – 123rf


Unfortunately, sugar is a big contributor to acne outbreaks for those of you who have a sweet taste. Foods rich in sugar are quickly absorbed into the system, boosting blood sugar levels. The rise in insulin levels also drives extra sugar into your cells, causing acne. If you can’t live without dessert, the best solution is to limit your intake of high-sugar items. You just need a few bites to satisfy your cravings for something sweet after dinner, and you will avoid the unpleasant insulin spike.

$!The dairy and sugar mixed in chocolates leads to a severe case of acne. – 123rf


According to a few small studies, people who consume more chocolate are more likely to acquire acne. However, it is unclear why. The main component, cocoa, does not appear to be the cause. People who ate chocolate with 10 times the cocoa content were no more likely to get pimples than those who ate conventional chocolate. If you are attempting to control your acne, dark chocolate with less sugar and milk may be a better option.

$!Cow’s milk may increase the risk of developing acne. – HEALTHLINE


Due to the bovine hormones that remain accessible after consumption, dairy products, notably milk, are likely to contribute to the severity of your acne problems. Although you may believe that drinking skim milk is a wonderful substitute for full milk, this could not be farther from the truth. In fact, milk proteins like whey and casein, which are added to skim milk to make it taste less watery, have been linked to causing more inflammation. Milk may be difficult to eliminate totally since it is included in so many of the meals we consume on a daily basis, but cutting back is a fantastic place to start! Most shops have a variety of substitutes, such as almond or cashew milk. The options are out there, all you have to do is find one you love!

$!Soy’s effect on hormones may contribute to acne breakouts. – MYPR

Soy products

Tofu, soy milk, and soy protein are strong in phytoestrogens (naturally occurring substances found in plants) that can alter our bodies’ natural estrogen receptors. Excess soy consumption can result in lower estrogen levels and higher levels of androgens (male hormones), which can influence acne production by prompting our glands to generate more pore-clogging sebum. While soy products are a popular source of protein, especially if you are a vegetarian, A little is fine, but avoid pre-packaged soy-everything and search for extra sugar. A diet high in omega-3 fatty acids, probiotics, green tea, fruits, and vegetables may prevent against acne development. Vitamins A, D, and E, as well as zinc, may also aid in acne prevention.

$!Nuts certainly can lead to acne if you eat nuts high in omega-6. – BICYCLING MAGAZINE


Acne victims frequently have low amounts of antioxidants such as vitamin E and selenium, which almonds, peanuts, and Brazil nuts are high in. These nutrients shield cells from harm and illness. Although there is no conclusive evidence that antioxidants will cure acne, they are beneficial to your health in other ways. So, there’s no danger in incorporating them into your diet. Just don’t go overboard.