Indah Water Konsortium raises awareness about sewage treatment through the arts

IT is a dirty job, but someone has got to do it... Ever think how tough it is to work in a sewage system and of the brave souls who have to do this extremely tough job?

This was the message behind Indah Water Konsortium Sdn Bhd’s (IWK) debut charity community theatre show Najis Jadi Teman (Excrement Becomes Companion), offering an educational journey into the important yet often overlooked world of sewage treatment.

The one-hour performance, which blended elements of theatre, dance, music and interactive activities, gave audiences a glimpse into the lives of three plant managers and the difficulty they faced on a daily basis, which goes unnoticed by the public at large.

Held in conjunction with IWK’s 30 years anniversary, the production explored the challenging and critical role of sewage workers, often described as a “3D job” – dirty, dangerous and difficult.

Najis Jadi Teman brought audiences back to how IWK workers used to collect waste in the 1980s. The show highlighted the many problems sewage workers often face ranging from the clogging problems to the difficult task to separate rubbish and spilled oil before water is treated with specific types of bacteriums and the importance of proper sanitation for public health and environmental preservation.

Directed by actor Razif Hashim, the show featured singer and songwriter Atilla Haron, Phraveen Arikiah and Alfred Loh as the plant managers, along with the participation of children from Yayasan Chow Kit (YCK), a non-governmental organisation supporting at-risk children and teenagers in Kuala Lumpur. The three actors brought the entire show alive with fun and cheerful acting, making the topic fun and playful to watch.

IWK CEO Narendran Maniam said the show not only honoured three decades of IWK’s service but also serve as a platform to raise awareness and support for local communities.

“Our highest priority has always been to support those in need while educating the public about the vital importance of sewage management to protect and preserve our environment.

“Much of our work at IWK operates quietly behind the scenes, often unnoticed yet important in the preservation of public health and the environment. As we celebrate our 30-year anniversary, we are showcasing our commitment to Malaysia’s overall well-being through meaningful and creative collaborations like this charity theatre,” enthused Narendran.

Proceeds from the show were contributed to YCK’s initiatives.

$!A scene where there is an emergency and the plant managers had to get down to work.