“HOME is where the Hi-Fi is”. Having a dedicated space for an audio visual (AV) entertainment is a great way to make a house feel like home. This goes beyond the mere TV-room-cum-living-room set up as it involves investing in some dedicated equipment to elevate the space.

A well designed and appointed AV space can be the focal point of the home, where family members gather to chill, catch up and share some entertainment together. It should be comfortable, inviting and of course, feature a suitable AV system that will provide entertainment.

Before embarking on such a project, here is a simple check list:


Needless to say, projects such as this will require some investment. Carefully consider how much is to be spent and the budget should include not just the Hi-Fi equipment but also the furnishings. Part of the appeal of having a dedicated AV room is it being an ultra-comfy space for an escape. Hence plush ergonomic chairs, carpets and lighting all play a vital part in creating the right ambience. This is not forgetting the air-conditioning and additional power points, all of which will cost more.

Hot hardware

In pursuit of AV nirvana, the sky is the limit. But building a home set up need not cost bodily limbs. In fact, very decent AV systems can be built with outlays that cost less than most top end mobile phones. The availability of competitively-priced options from China have also made this hobby more accessible.

Among the key considerations will be size of the speakers as it is the component that will take up the most space. Same goes for TV screens. Measure the available wall space to allow for a wall-mounted unit, allowing for more room on shelves for other necessities such as TV box, amps and streamers.


This is a necessity, especially for those residing in high rise apartments, with neighbours left, right, above and below to think about. There are a number of DIY solutions available online to the cost-conscious. Those with a larger budget can engage a sound specialist to insulate the space allowing dwellers to enjoy a full cinematic or concert-like experience inside their own homes without disturbing the neighbours.

Hardwired for sound

One thing that may be off-putting about AV systems is the unsightly cables, whether interconnects or speaker cables. Many modern set ups feature bluetooth connectivity thus negating this problem. But, there is something to be said for the old-fashioned method of direct cable connections for optimal performance. If the budget is permitting, there are methods to conceal these cables from sight such as clever use of carpeting or under floor cable tunnels.

Storage space

This will have to be a consideration for those who have physical collections of music or movies. Always design the room with enough storage space for these valuable items, especially vinyl records and they can even be a highlight of the space. Residences with smaller space can opt to for wall shelving or search online for space-saving storage units.

If this too big a headache then the obvious solution is to go with streaming, eliminating the need for physical copies. This may not be ideal but sometimes, pragmatism needs to rule, especially when the dwelling is a small unit.


Window shopping is half the fun so do take the time to shop around, whether its for an AV equipment, furniture or lighting. Remember the space is supposed to be a focal point of the home and it is supposed to provide many hours of enjoyment. So, be patient and do not rush a decision.

Many are coming round to this idea if the proliferation of specialist Hi-Fi shops is any indication. It is a worthy investment, especially when it can turn a home into an AV haven to escape the stresses of daily life.