OUR fast-changing times have given rise to numerous problems and maladies. Stress can perhaps take the top position, as it now afflicts almost the entire human race.

The erosion of human values, and the craze to get too much too quickly, have brought modern man under growing stress. Not only his health, but his attitude and behaviour have also been affected by it.

What is stress, after all? We may call it a state produced by adverse situations. In scientific terms it may be defined as a state caused by the disturbance of an individual’s natural balance. So, any event that alters the natural course of events or forces a change in the daily routine can become a source of stress.

Stress occurs as a reaction to any new, exciting or frightening situation.

In today’s conditions it has become almost an integral part of life. If stress continues for long, many types of minor and major ailments can occur.

Forming of harmful habits and addictions has also become a big problem today. Such habits and addictions usually begin when a person is experiencing acute stress and has zero coping mechanism.

Stress is deeply linked with diseases. The intensity of disease, the patient’s response to treatment, and so on, often depends on the level of stress. A patient under stress will take longer to recover.

We should not allow stress to overpower us. Regular exercise, sports, a balanced diet, good company and a healthy lifestyle are some of the things that aid in stress relief.

Medical researchers have found that 85% of all diseases are psychosomatic in nature. Most of these can be avoided by improving the will power with meditation.

One can develop a positive and creative outlook for leading a life full of growing enthusiasm and zeal.

Bridget Menezes is the author of Second Edition of Self-Empowerment and Spiritual Counsellor. Readers can email her at lifestyle.bridget@thesundaily.com.