Towards a digitally-inclined and digitally-inclusive nation

THE Ministry of Communications and Multimedia, in collaboration with Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation, better known as MDEC, has introduced a programme called Kre8tif!@Schools. It is aimed at nurturing talent in digital content creation.

The pilot programme was tested out and run to the advantage of students of Sekolah Menengah Khas Vokasional Shah Alam.

Between May and June this year, 30 students under the programme had the opportunity to participate in a six-day digital content creation workshop. In that short span of time, they managed to display outstanding talent and interest.

“This really showcases the depth of talent we have with regard to digital content creation at a young age,” said Communications and Multimedia minister, Gobind Singh Deo. The minister also lauded the efforts of the organisations involved to drive talent in this area.

“Efforts such as this are crucial in ensuring we propel Malaysia towards becoming, not only a more digitally-inclined nation, but a digitally-inclusive one,” the minister added. He also commended those behind the project for not leaving the marginalised and differently-abled behind.

According to a report from MDEC, the programme received strong industry support from organisations such as Forest Interactive, UNDO Academy, Animonsta, and Multimedia University (MMU). While the programme was basically developed to aid special needs students in obtaining marketable digital skills in creative technology and provide training in 3D modelling and animation skills, it is essentially designed to identify talent at an early stage and provide support to enhance the skills of the talented in pursuing careers in the digital content creation industry.

On completion of the pilot programme, an event was held to examine the achievements of the 30 participating students. Student participants were said to have exhibited great interest and showcased talent in digital content creation throughout the course of the workshop. They also developed further knowledge and interest.

“With initiatives such as Kre8tif!@Schools, we can witness how both public and private sectors are able to work together to ensure our special needs students get the right exposure to digital skills,” said MDEC COO Datuk Ng Wan Peng. Pleased with the outcome, Ng agreed that programmes such as this will surely open doors for these children.

Communications and Multimedia Minister, Gobind Singh Deo, ‘hand-signs’ the logo of Sekolah Menengah Pendidikan Khas Vokasional Shah Alam in the presence of students of the school who participated in the Kre8tif!@Schools’ pilot programme.

Communications and Multimedia Minister, Gobind Singh Deo, examines closely, the digital content produced by a student from Sekolah Menengah Pendidikan Khas Vokasional Shah Alam who participated in the Kre8tif!@Schools’ pilot programme.