DUE to not answering his friend’s riddle, a man stabbed to death multiple times.

A report by Kompas said the two men, identified as DR and KM got together in KM’s family home in Indonesia on Wednesday (July 24) and consumed alcoholic beverages during their meet-up.

It was also reported the two of them were joined by other individuals, as confirmed by the local police.

After a few rounds of alcoholic drinks, DR asked KM to answer a riddle for him.

“Which came first, the chicken or the egg,” DR was quoted as saying.

The situation then escalated to a debate, according to the police, to which KM did not want to answer the riddle and went back to his home.

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In his drunken stupor, KM was furious at the victim’s refusal to partake in answering his riddle - grabbed a machete from his house and stormed off to KM’s residence.

Still under the influence, DR reportedly stabbed the victim 15 times.

KM was rushed to the hospital by the public but unfortunately did not make it.

DR was arrested by the police soon after the incident.

The local police confirmed KM was killed due to a “misunderstanding”, as quoted, regarding the chicken or egg riddle - resulting in a disagreement.

DR is currently still under investigation and the victim was laid to rest on July 26.

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