Only for those who are serious about keeping the Earth clean and safe

Eco-friendly habits to lower your carbon footprint

This article is first published in theSun Buzz Earth Hour edition HERE

You already know what you can do to help during Earth Hour but the commitment to protect and save the environment is a lifelong journey.

If you’re serious about caring for the environment every day, here are some eco-friendly habits you can practice and emulate for a better world:

Reduce, reuse and recycle

$!Eco-friendly habits to lower your carbon footprint

There are many tips and tricks to live a greener life and at its core, it’s really just to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. The simple 3Rs can be practised anywhere we go in order to reduce waste and pollution in the world. For example, we can reduce our usage of plastic containers by reusing these containers before discarding and sending them for recycling.

Use reusable shopping bags

One of the easiest ways to reduce waste is to use reusable shopping bags instead of plastic or paper bags. These reusable bags can be used for grocery shopping for a long time. Using plastic or paper bags is wasteful in the long run and adds more rubbish at the landfill over a lifetime.

Switch to sustainable options

Another way to practice an eco-friendly lifestyle is to switch our everyday household items to sustainable options. Anyone can do this switch by opting for stainless steel straws over plastic straws, using reusable coffee pods or buying bottle-less soaps and shampoos. For women, they can try switching to menstrual cups instead of pads or tampons too.

Bring your own container

It’s also helpful if we bring our own tupperware especially when we’re going to order takeaways. Using our reusable containers is an eco-friendly way to reduce the use of plastic containers and plastic pollution too.

Conserve water

We use a lot of water daily without realizing it. We use water when we shower, when we brush our teeth and when we wash the dishes. To help protect our natural environment and resources, we should conserve our water. A way to conserve water is to take shorter showers and turning off the taps when it’s not in use while washing the dishes or brushing our teeth.

Conserve energy

$!Eco-friendly habits to lower your carbon footprint

We may not be able to escape consuming and using energy at home but we can do our part to conserve it. During the daytime, we can switch off the lights and open the curtains to let natural light in. We should also switch off and unplug any electrical appliances that are not in use to reduce our energy bills and wastage.

Go digital

Going digital helps to lessen paper waste and cut downs on our carbon footprint too. By going digital, we reduce the need to purchase notebooks, flashcards or scribbling on sticky notes. We can embrace digital life by paying our bills online and taking notes on the computer or smartphone.

Keep fridge coils clean

Not many of us realize this but dirty fridge coils use more energy to keep the fridge cool. Remember to clean and remove the dust from the coils and the underside of the fridge to keep the fridge working efficiently.

Walk or bike as much as you can

To further reduce your carbon footprint, walk or cycle as much as you can especially to nearby areas. By doing so, you’re getting both the exercise and a clear conscience for reducing your contribution to air pollution too.

Buy less, spend less

Perhaps the simplest and hardest step of all is to buy fewer items. It’s important to only buy what you need in order to reduce wastage. Before buying anything new, consider how long you’re going to use the item and whether you can borrow it from someone else.


Here’s what you can do for a better planet if you want to go beyond turning off the lights for an hour during Earth Hour: Doing Our Part for Mother Earth

Also, find out how you can transform your home into an eco-friendly abode!