KUALA LUMPUR: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob(pix) today expressed his appreciation to all doctors for their contributions and sacrifices, especially during the country’s battle with the Covid-19 pandemic.

In conjunction with World Doctors Day celebrated today, he said doctors’ services and sacrifices were immense not only in terms of treatment but also in saving lives.

“What more their invaluable contributions when the world was grappling with Covid-19, with doctors being the frontliners and ever ready to sacrifice their time and energy for Malaysians’ health.

“I want to thank all doctors in Malaysia, where you may be. You are the heroes of Keluarga Malaysia (Malaysian Family) who will always be in our hearts,” he said in a Facebook post today.

World Doctors Day is celebrated on March 30 every year. -Bernama