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PUTRAJAYA: Berjaya Starbucks, RedTone Digital Berhad and the Naza Group of Companies yesterday donated RM1 million each to the Humanitarian Trust Fund for the People of Palestine.

Berjaya Corporation Bhd joint group CEO Vivienne Cheng said: “As a global corporation, the Berjaya Group is committed to providing humanitarian aid, especially during the most critical hours of need.

“To this end, we are contributing a total donation of RM2 million to the fund to alleviate the demands of the crisis.

“The contribution will go towards supporting relief efforts in Gaza, channeled directly to obtain medicine, food, drink and basic facilities for those affected. “We urge fellow corporations to come together to make a significant impact collectively.”

Berjaya Group Bhd executive director and Berjaya Media director Datuk Seri Azman Ujang said the Palestinian cause is very close to the heart of Berjaya Media Bhd, as it is to all Malaysians.

“We stand firmly with the Palestinians who have been the victims for the longest time of the most inhumane form of apartheid in history. We also hope that more Malaysian corporate bodies and individuals will donate to the Palestinian fund to bring some relief to their untold hardships and sufferings in these most critical times.”

Azman said the donation is part of the group corporate culture as mandated by its founder and adviser Tan Sri Vincent Tan, adding that Berjaya frequently donates large sums to charities and those with medical and educational needs.

“So, this is not something new to us.”

“The Palestinian people are suffering under the Israeli blockade. They have no food, water or other basic needs and are unable to provide medical treatment to the injured.

“This is a very sad state of affairs and naturally, the Berjaya Group will step forward and donate to this very important cause,” he said.

The fund, which is managed by the Foreign Ministry, is approaching its target of collecting RM100 million, with RM81 million raised so far, said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

Speaking at the presentation of donations to the Palestine fund yesterday, Anwar, who is also finance minister, said the huge collection raised within a short time reflected Malaysia’s solidarity with the struggle of the Palestinian people.

He gave the assurance that the funds will be channeled directly to obtain medicine, food, drink and basic facilities for the affected Palestinian people.

“I am overwhelmed that in a short time, we can raise more than RM80 million, just a little short of the announced goal, which is RM100 million. This shows the concern, and we thank them, the government-linked companies, private companies and non-Muslim companies,” he said.

The fund was established following the recent conflict and violence in the Gaza Strip, with the government making a contribution of RM10 million.

Among other contributors yesterday were Khazanah Nasional Bhd and government-linked companies, Albukhary Foundation and YTL Corporation Bhd.