PETALING JAYA: Pendang MP Datuk Awang Hashim has been suspended from the Dewan Rakyat for three days starting today following his “anti-Islam” comment to RSN Rayer (PH-Jelutong) earlier today.

Deputy Speaker Datuk Ramli Md Nor issued the order after Awang refused to retract his comment towards Rayer.

The issue stemmed from Rayer pointing out Awang’s comment towards a former Bersatu MP declaring his support for Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, calling the MP “six evils”.

Rayer also raised a point of order last Thursday, alleging several Opposition members insulted Dewan Rakyat Speaker Tan Sri Johari Abdul using the term “postman”.

Awang then accused Rayer of being anti-Islam, prompting Rayer demanding him to take back his statement.

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“I ask him to retract his anti-Islam statement. That is not correct. What I stated is that he mentioned in the chamber (that he wanted) to ruin six former Bersatu members of Parliament,” Rayer was quoted as saying.

The matter was also agreed upon by Sim Tze Tzin (PH-Bayan Baru) who described Awang’s allegations as grave.

Ramli told Awang to retract his statement, asserting that the Parliament needed to be harmonised and not become a spectacle to the public.

“Is this what we want to show to society? YB, retract your statement. Please. Just that part,” Ramli was quoted as saying.

But Awang insisted on standing by his words and did not take back his statement in the end.

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