KUALA PILAH: A rubber tapper pleaded not guilty in the Sessions Court here today to two counts of raping his daughter.

According to the first charge, the 52-year-old man is accused of raping his daughter at around 10.30 pm at a house in Gemencheh, Tampin, on July 8 this year.

For the second charge, he allegedly raped the girl, who was 20 years old at the time, at the same house between November and December 2019.

The accused was charged under Section 376B(1) of the Penal Code, which carries a jail term of up to 30 years and whipping upon conviction.

Deputy public prosecutor Norazihah Asmuni appeared for the prosecution, while the accused was unrepresented.

Judge Norma Ismail set bail at RM10,000 with one surety for each charge, with the additional condition that the accused must refrain from disturbing the victim and witnesses until the disposal of the case.

The court fixed Aug 26 for mention of the case.