MELAKA: The Melaka State Legislative Assembly today recited the surah Al Fatihah and observed a moment of silence to remember the martyrs who died in the conflict in Palestine.

State Assembly Speaker Datuk Ibrahim Durum, in his speech, also hoped that the ongoing ceasefire would prevent bloodshed from continuing.

“To the Muslims, let’s read Ummul Kitab Al Fatihah... for our parents, relatives and, most importantly, the martyrs in Palestine, while hoping and praying for a ceasefire can be maintained,” he said.

On Wednesday, (Nov 22), Hamas said it had reached a four-day ceasefire agreement with Israel under Qatari-Egyptian mediation after 46 days of bloody conflict in the besieged coastal enclave.

Under the Qatar-mediated agreement, Hamas agreed to release 50 Israelis held by them in exchange for 150 Palestinian detainees in Israeli jails.

The deal also includes a four-day pause in fighting and the entry of 300 trucks loaded with humanitarian aid, including fuel, into the Gaza Strip.–Bernama