KUALA TERENGGANU: The father of a three-year-old boy who was abused at a registered childcare centre in Batu Buruk that left him in a coma two years ago has filed an RM1.2 million lawsuit against the centre’s three babysitters and owner.
Lawyer Mohd Hazwan Hamidun said that the lawsuit was filed at the High Court yesterday on behalf of Ahmad Aysar Wildan Ahmad Syamil Hadi by his father, acting as his guardian ad litem. The statement of claim is expected to be served on the defendants this week.
Mohd Hazwan told the media that the civil suit named Raja Noor Iffa Nadia Raja Nordin, 29, Nur Azreen Nazira Mohamad, 24, and Nuurakmal Syahirah Abdullah, 35, as well as the childcare centre’s owner, Salawati Sidek, 51, as defendants.
According to the statement of claim, Raja Noor Iffa Nadia, named as the first defendant, was the primary perpetrator of the abuse. She pleaded guilty before the Sessions Court on Dec 16, 2024, under Section 31(1)(a) of the Child Act 2001 and was fined RM15,000.
The second and third defendants, Nur Azreen and Nuurakmal, who were allegedly present in the same room during the incident, are accused of failing to intervene or prevent Raja Noor Iffa Nadia from abusing and injuring Ahmad Aysar Wildan, who was only four months old at the time.
Mohd Hazwan said Salawati was accused of negligence for failing to ensure that all caregivers adhered to professional standards and performed their duties competently, holding her vicariously liable for her employees’ actions.
The plaintiff is also seeking RM250,000 in aggravated, exemplary and special damages to be assessed by the court, as well as legal costs and interest to be borne by the defendants.
The incident, which occurred between Jan 1 and 3, 2023, left the only child of two medical officers with brain hemorrhaging, a skull fracture and retinal hemorrhages in both eyes.
The victim’s father, Ahmad Syamil Hadi, said his son has been officially registered as a Person with Disabilities (OKU) under the multiple disability category with the Social Welfare Department.
He further explained that this civil suit was filed after the conclusion of the criminal proceedings against all the defendants.
“My son requires weekly physiotherapy. His right hand and leg are no longer functioning normally. His development is delayed and due to his emotional state, doctors suspect he may have autism,” he said.