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BATU KAWAN: Only 0.13 per cent of 1.5 million civil servants opted out of the Public Service Remuneration System (SSPA) by the Nov 30 deadline, ahead of the system’s implementation on Dec 1.

Public Service director-general Tan Sri Wan Ahmad Dahlan Abdul Aziz said the figure was minimal, involving just 1,400 civil servants who chose not to adopt the SSPA.

“In my view, this is normal as the SSPA offers a choice to accept or decline, similar to the transition from the New Remuneration System (SSB) to the Malaysian Remuneration System (SSM), where some also chose not to opt in.

“For those who did not opt for the SSPA, I believe they had specific considerations, but they will not benefit from the advantages offered by the system. There is no compulsion in this matter,” he told reporters after officiating the closing ceremony of the ‘Kampung Angkat MADANI JPA: Pulau Aman’ programme here today.

Wan Ahmad Dahlan said he had also reported the progress of the SSPA to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim during a Cabinet Committee meeting on public service reform, adding that the Prime Minister expressed satisfaction with the results.

Expanding on the matter, Wan Ahmad Dahlan said those who declined the SSPA included individuals nearing retirement, those with longer service periods remaining, and individuals from various sectors such as management, professional groups, and implementer groups.

“Everyone has their reasons for their decisions. The government has never imposed its will but has held engagement sessions to ensure those who chose not to adopt the SSPA do not regret their decision later,” he added.

He also stated that those who declined the SSPA would no longer have the option to join it, as the transition period from the SSM to the SSPA officially ended on Nov 30.

Wan Ahmad Dahlan also commended the team managing the SSPA programme for its smooth implementation.

On Nov 12, the government established a Centralised Call Centre for the SSPA to provide accurate information and address any confusion among civil servants about the new system.

Since the introduction of the SSPA via Service Circular No. 1 of 2024 on Sept 13, 54 engagement sessions have been conducted to explain the new remuneration system.

The SSPA is part of a broader Public Service Reform Agenda aimed at enhancing public service quality and easing the cost of living for civil servants.