KAPIT: Works Minister Datuk Seri Alexander Nanta Linggi has instructed the responsible parties to immediately take steps to assist residents affected by the floods in the Kapit Division.
Expressing his sadness over the incident, the Kapit Member of Parliament advised residents to always comply with instructions issued by the authorities to avoid any untoward incidents.
“I have instructed all responsible parties to immediately take steps to assist residents in dealing with this flood disaster,“ he said in a post on Facebook.
According to Nanta, the continuous heavy rain over the past few days has caused several areas in Kapit to be flooded.
The has affected five schools, namely Sekolah Kebangsaan (SK) Nanga Yong, SK Bena Sut, SK Nanga Kebiaw, SK Nanga Antaroh and SK Nanga Bena.
“However, the situation is gradually improving at SK Nanga Kebiaw, SK Nanga Antaroh and SK Nanga Bena, with the flood water reporter to be receding,” he said.
The areas affected by the floods include Kampung Muhibah on Jalan Bleteh, Kampung Baru on Jalan Abang Sulaihi, Lorong 7 on Jalan Airport and Nanga Seranau.
Following the flooding, electricity supply in several areas had to be temporarily cut off, including at Rumah John Ramba, Sungai Sibau; Rumah Riti, Nanga Tulie; Pulau Pisang area; and Nanga Baleh.