PUTRAJAYA: The National Conservation Trust Fund for Natural Resources (NCTF), as of November this year, has funded 112 conservation projects with a total funding of over RM21 million since its establishment in 2015.
Minister of Natural Resources and Environmental Sustainability Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad said the funding covered six conservation categories, namely flora; fauna; marine and ecosystems; freshwater ecosystems; caves and limestone; and indigenous and Orang Asli communities.
“NRES is committed to implementing the conservation and preservation of the country’s natural resources through the NCTF.
“To continue the agenda of ensuring resource sustainability, the NCTF was established in 2015 to fund the implementation of research, development, management, protection, awareness and biodiversity conservation activities,“ he said at the öpening ceremony of the NCTF 1.0 Conservation Carnival (NCTF Conservation Showcase 1.0) here today.
Nik Nazmi said the NCTF’s efforts in conserving and preserving the country’s biological resources need to be further strengthened by also involving the mobilisation of participation from various sectors.
“We no longer want to see the country’s native species suffer the same fate as the extinction of the Sumatran Rhino. Therefore, this effort needs to be continued by all levels of society so that the country’s natural assets are preserved and can be enjoyed by future generations,“ he said.
Regarding the one-day NCTF 1.0 Conservation Carnival, Nik Nazmi said the programme was organised to provide widespread exposure to the community regarding conservation activities under the NCTF.
“It is hoped that through the NCTF 1.0 Conservation Carnival, we can bring a message of awareness to the community to preserve and conserve natural resources and the environment,“ he said.