MELAKA: A total of 94 men, including three senior citizens suspected of being drug addicts, were detained by the National Anti-Drug Agency (AADK) in ‘Operasi Perdana’ conducted in three districts over three days from Feb 24.
Melaka AADK director Noor Azrimah Ahmad said all the individuals, aged between 18 and 61, were detained between 6 am and midnight in the three-day operation involving 50 AADK members and officers in the Melaka Tengah, Alor Gajah and Jasin districts.
He said the focus of the operation also involved high-risk areas in Melaka Tengah, which have been identified as having drug abuse activities, with opiate drugs being the choice of addicts in the state.
Of that number, three elderly individuals, aged 61 and above, were arrested in the Melaka Tengah district, and they are habitual and repeat offenders.
“The AADK team faced various challenges when there were persons of interest (OYDS) attempting to escape, including trying to ram into (AADK) members with a motorcycle, but no serious injuries occurred to the members,“ he said in a statement here today.
He said all the drug addicts were detained under Section 3(1) of the Drug Addicts (Treatment and Rehabilitation) Act 1983 for further action.
He said that one of the objectives of the operation is to detain as many OYDS as possible for treatment and rehabilitation programmes so that they can contribute to a healthy environment to attract more tourists to Melaka.
Noor Azrimah also said that AADK will continue to carry out several more operations regardless of the time to combat drug abuse activities in the state.
He added individuals involved in drug abuse can immediately seek voluntary treatment and rehabilitation services at the nearest AADK district office or contact the hotline (1800-22-2235) or visit the i-Cari AADK portal for information related to drug abuse activities.