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KUANTAN: The achievements of the Kuantan City Council (MBK) and the Jerantut District Council last year should serve as benchmarks for other local authorities (PBT) in Pahang, said Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Wan Rosdy Wan Ismail.

Wan Rosdy said these accomplishments resulted from the commitment and hard work of every member of MBK and the Jerantut District Council, whether serving in offices or on the ground.

“Congratulations to MBK for securing first place in the 2024 Local Authority Star Rating System Awards in the City category, earning a Five-Star Rating and a RM1 million development grant.

“Congratulations also to the Jerantut District Council for achieving third place in the District Council category, earning a Five-Star Rating and a RM300,000 development grant.

“I believe the success of these two local authorities will serve as role models for others, encouraging all PBTs to play their part in delivering the best services to the community,“ he said during a ceremony celebrating the achievements of MBK and the Jerantut District Council here last night.

The award was introduced in 2007 by the Malaysian Administrative Modernisation and Management Planning Unit and is held biennially to foster a culture of excellence based on performance through healthy competition among local authorities.