IT is clear in the Federal Constitution that Islam is the official religion of Malaysia and there is no restriction in the worship of other religions. The tenets of the constitution reflect a tolerant attitude and respect.

While Islam does not condone inter-religion mobility, it adheres to the principles of co-existence and non-discrimination.

There is no forced proselytisation or persecution in attracting people to the faith; only through the demonstration of deeds and an ethical and moral way of living.

Islam promotes harmonious interactions with its believers and adherents of other faiths through mutual respect and goodwill and providing facilities for places of worship in recognition of the right to practise one’s faith.

The rituals of worship and celebrations are part of the gamut of Malaysian life. Although the rituals are restricted to its own adherents, there is no constraint in sharing celebratory joys.

The opposition to the involvement in the celebratory aspect of Ponggal and the hanging of lanterns in schools is not in line with the Islamic concept of Muhibbah. It is rather trite to assume that taking part in such celebratory activities would adversely affect one’s faith.

Far from being an attempt to proselytise, they create an awareness of various spiritual traditions.

We should not allow bigots and charlatans to create suspicions and dissensions among the populace just to serve their nefarious agenda.

Wishing all our Chinese friends Gong Xi Fa Cai.

Mohamed Ghouse Nasuruddin
