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“Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.” – Mark Twain. Once again, Tokio Marine Life Insurance Malaysia Bhd (TMLM) spreads some kindness during these hard times by donating to 5 different NGOs in Pulau Pinang.

“Tokio Marine has always strived to be a good company and I think this ongoing project is one of the core components of this. The donations to the Penang NGOs will be our second project after the Klang Valley device donations, and we are so excited that we are able to keep this effort going!” said Mr Yoshiaki Okabe, the Deputy Chief Executive Officer of TMLM.

The company donated multiple repurposed desktops, various types of groceries and essential items, educational toys and furniture to Shan Children’s Home, The Salvation Army Penang Children’s Home, Pusat Jagaan Sinar Ceria, St Joseph’s Home and Special Children’s Centre Penang.

“Amidst the rising numbers of the COVID-19 virus in Malaysia, it became urgently important that more people needed access to computers as face-to-face education and work has become close to impossible during this pandemic,” added Mr Okabe.

Instead of ending up in the already overcrowded landfill, these repurposed desktops had new life breathed into them for the NGOs. All desktops were fitted with new software to ensure maximum speed when being used by their new owners.

Shan Children’s Home is a home that was established to help children from poor families or homes where their health, educational and emotional needs cannot be met. They received 4 desktops for the children to complete online activities and essential items such as dry foods and cooking materials.

“We are so grateful for this gesture of kindness from TMLM. Honestly, times have been tough since the pandemic hit and these desktops come at a great time as the kids will be occupied with online activities until the COVID-19 outbreak eases” said Mr Kurunathan. R, Vice Chairman from Shan Children’s Home.

The Salvation Army Penang Children’s Home which is well-known for its residential care work, received 4 desktops, dry food, and household necessities from TMLM. In addition to that, they also received a generous number of essential items such as bottles of sanitisers and face masks.

“When we received these items from TMLM, we were taken aback by this thoughtful contribution. Not many organizations are thinking of us during these difficult times, and we are very thankful” said the Becky Lurence, Asst. Superintendent from The Salvation Army Penang.

For the past few years, Pusat Jagaan Sinar Ceria has been providing a safe and clean place for abandoned children to live and they received 4 desktops, dry food, and household items from TMLM.

“During this pandemic, we have been working our hardest to help the unfortunate and it’s so refreshing to see a huge company like TMLM do the same! Thank you TMLM” said Anita Vasu, Manager of Pusat Jagaan Sinar Ceria.

St Joseph’s Home has opened its doors to children of all backgrounds for many years. Its mission is to see the needs of poor children and help them to get a good education and develop proper living skills so that they will become useful adults. They received fresh and dry food, along with household items.

“We are grateful for these donations from TMLM. Thank you TMLM, you truly made a difference for us during these trying times” said Iruthaya Das Arulanadam, a Board Member of St Joseph’s Home.

As for the Special Children’s Centre Penang, TMLM donated 4 desktops and various educational toys for the children of the home.

“With the multiple waves of COVID 19 hitting us, we are living in such unpredictable times and we are beyond grateful for the donation from TMLM. Thank you so much,” said Katijah Binti Bakar, Principal of Special Children’s Centre Penang.