IN a romantic movie, the only thing that’s better than the moment when the couple reunites after a conflict is the scene where they meet for the first time.

And the only thing better than that is when it happens in real life.

Ahead of Valentine’s Day, we asked theSun readers how they met their love of their lives. Here are 10 super-sweet ‘how we met’ stories from real couples that will have you falling in love all over again.

$!Selva & Sundri

Selva & Sundri

Selva first met Sundri at the age of 28 in 1989 – and was immediately in love. “I couldn’t take my eyes off her.”

Their first meeting was arranged by Sundri’s father when he secretly took the initiative to make him his son-in-law. He met Selva at work and he was highly satisfied with his upbringing and asked him if he was single.

He then proceeded to invite him over after confirming Selva was also looking for a life partner.

“He didn’t tell me it was his daughter, I only found out once I was there and thanks to him, I have a very beautiful and kind-hearted wife who loves me more than anything else.”

They got married in 1991 and have four beautiful daughters together. “It was an arranged marriage but I knew the moment I saw her; she was the one for me. Fast forward to 2022, she’s still my favourite and I am hers.”

$!Darren & Wan Chi

Darren & Wan Chi

A few years back when confession pages were such a hit on Facebook, Wan Chi took the opportunity to comment on posts in the hopes that she would get noticed by someone.

One day in 2019, a fine-looking man sent her a friend request on Facebook. “Funny enough both of us were studying at the same university.”

Darren started reacting to Wan Chi’s memes from Facebook and from there they proceeded to exchange their Instagram IDs and each other’s numbers.

“We met for the first time at the library and I knew the moment I saw him; those were the eyes I was longing for all these years. After hanging out a few times, I could feel the feelings I had for him grow and I knew he was into me too.”

She patiently waited for him to make the first move and yes, he did, he finally asked: “Be my girlfriend.”

It was indeed an emotional moment for both of them and they promised to be with each other forever.

$!Uthaya & Kavi

Uthaya & Kavi

This was a typical match arranged by two families. For this beautiful couple, their arranged marriage turned into love with lots of effort; constantly and every day. And where there is love, you want to make these efforts without complaints.

“In my case, I knew she was going to be my wife but for some reason, I was too nervous to even look at her and I knew she was too.” After getting approvals from both families, they constantly talked over the phone and met each other to learn more about each other’s personalities.

“I have to tell you, I am the lucky one here, she’s pretty, she’s honest and most importantly she makes me feel comfortable around her. I don’t know if I would have found someone perfect like her myself, feeling super grateful to my parents.”

Uthaya and Kavi will be tying the knot this year. “I’m glad I’m marrying her, thanks to her I understood what love is.”

$!Navindran & Irene

Navindran & Irene

Irene met her now-husband at the office. “I was the new chindian girl everyone was talking about.” He made it super professional and told Irene he would only ask her out when they were no longer in the same team.

After Navin got promoted and shifted to another team, he did what he wanted to do. “He asked me out.”

After two years of dating, they went on a euro trip and while at an Italian restaurant, he proposed.

“He always knew I was the one.” Irene had doubts on why Navin chose her. “I can’t cook, I can’t sew, and yet he wanted me to be his partner.” Navin then told her: “But you pray for me, girl.” This made her decide: “Okay lah, he’s the one!” They’re now happily married with five kids.

$!Akmal & Deanna

Akmal & Deanna

People believe that love will find you when you least expect it. That’s exactly what happened to Akmal and Deanna.

“I met Deanna when I was 13 years old in 2010, was it love from the first sight? I guess. I was young and afraid to make the first move, I can’t stand being rejected by someone I love.” He was determined to keep his feelings aside and focus on himself.

After five years, he received a message from a girl – Deanna. “I tell you, I was super excited getting a text from her.”

To his surprise, she asked him to be her boyfriend and despite still having feelings for her, he did not return her feelings. “I wasn’t ready but I also knew I am not willing to give up on her.”

Deanna on the other hand patiently waited for him. They’ve been together in a long-distance relationship for seven years now. I guess Akmal decided to follow his heart and pursue his love life. Love always finds a way to bring two hearts together, no matter how far apart they are.

$!Damien & Grace

Damien & Grace

It all started in 2009 through MSN Messenger. “We had no idea how we both looked like but continued to chat with each other.” Damien and Grace met through a mutual friend and exchanged numbers.

As they continued to chat through MSN, it made Grace wonder why never called her despite having her number. “I made the first move and gave him a call; it was a long call. When I first saw him at a café, I was taken aback on how different he was compared to what I expected from my life partner.

“When I was deciding if I should ghost him after meeting him, I decided to say ‘yes’ to moving forward because of his personality and his company which I enjoyed very much and I still do after all these years. I remember him telling me ‘Give me a chance, I’ll prove it to you.’

“He did not disappoint, he accepted me for who I am, my man, my home.” They’ve been together for 13 years now.

$!Sagithya & Dhurga

Sagithya & Dhurga

“Dance brought us together.” When Sagithya first saw Dhurga dance, he was stunned by her talent. “She is such a good dancer; I couldn’t concentrate on anyone else when she was out there performing.”

He knew he fell for her when he first saw her. “It was a one-sided love for three whole years until I gathered all my confidence to confess my feelings to her, unfortunately I got rejected.”

Sagithya respected her feelings and the two remained friends, but that does not mean he gave up on his feelings. “We were there for each other as friends since the beginning, she was there for me in my every step of success and I did the same. After being friends with her a while, one fine day she accepted my love for her, and that’s how we began dating.”

The couple have been together for four years now. “I fall for her more and more every day and she became the reason of my happiness.”

$!Vengadesh & Navina

Vengadesh & Navina

The best relationships usually begin unexpectedly. In this case, it all started when Venga received a Facebook request from Navina.

“We became friends on Facebook but I didn’t pay much attention to her, it really made me want to know her more when I first heard her voice over the phone, for some reason I felt like a fool for wasting over three years ignoring her.”

They continued to talk over the phone and one day, he made up his mind and drove all the way to meet Navina. Eventually their simple date led to a beautiful love confession day.

“I am head over heels, deeply and crazily in love with you, she told me.”

Like every other relationship, the couple had both good and bad days but giving up on each other was never a question to begin with.

“Years of being together just made me realise that I can’t live without her, she completes me. I fell in love with her when we were just teenagers; 10 years passed but the person beside me remains constant and we’re all ready to tie the knot this year.”

It went from just being a crush to finding their perfect life partner, beautiful isn’t it?

$!Sathis & Shupa

Sathis & Shupa

In this world of random hookups, there needs to be a little hope for college students. Shupa met Sathis during her first year of college. He was a senior and like every other student, she assumed that seniors would be arrogant and rude, so she made sure she never crossed paths with him.

However, she soon realised that he was different compared to the others. “We became good friends and he went from being a senior to a best friend.

“We were there for each other during bad and good times and continued to do so even after college.”

Two years later, Sathis took the initiative to ask Shupa out. “I didn’t know he had feelings for me, I always considered him as a best friend but thinking back, I would be so lucky to have my best friend as my partner for the rest of my life.”

She said yes, and that’s how their love story began. “Until today, he proudly calls me the rainbow of his life, little does he know that he is the reason my life became colourful.

$!Ikhwan Ariff & Celestine

Ikhwan Ariff & Celestine

Workplace romances are a surprisingly common thing. Ikhwan and Celestine met each other while they were both working at a part-time F&B job. “At the time, we never really got close but were more of just acquaintances.”

They only got close after three years of friendship. After several long and intense conversations, he finally asked her to be his girlfriend.

“She is the reason I try my best in everything I do, because making her happy and proud is one of the things I hope to be able to do every day I’m with her. There’s no one else I want to spend the rest of my life with, I want to grow old and travel the world with her. I love her very much, so much that it’s impossible to describe with just words.”