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AUSTRALIAN television personality and conservationist Robert Irwin recently visited Singapore and gave the king of fruits a go for the first time.

While durian is a popular favourite in Singapore and other Southeast Asian countries, foreign tourists are not too keen on the fruit itself as the son of the late renowned Australian zookeeper and conservationist Steve Irwin had some mixed reactions during his maiden attempt.

Irwin, in an Instagram post seemed excited but nervous in giving the “polarising” fruit a try.

“Everyone says it is great or it is literally the worst thing they have ever eaten.

“To give you some context, this fruit is banned from trains in Singapore because it smells so bad. What have I done?” he said in his video.

ALSO READ: Durian industry set for ‘sweet’ success

Prior to tasting the cut open durian, he described feeling “so many emotions” and could not get past the smell, saying it is “confronting”.

Donning the plastic hand gloves, he finally took a small bite after some hesitation and said that “It’s good” but started sputtering and coughing before giving his final verdict on the fleshy delicacy being “not bad”.

Following his late father’s footsteps in working with various wildlife, netizens remarked how he “took more precautions” before eating the durian than handling a venomous creature.

Besides that, others commented on his “good manners” and having tact in conveying how he felt about the fruit despite his visible struggle to consume the fruit.

ALSO READ: Singapore hotel guest’s RM1.7k durian fine waived as it was her first time caught