IN many Malaysian companies, festive celebrations are typically held within the office for employees.
However, some bosses choose to hold separate open houses at their homes for their personal circles.
Naturally, this event provoked a lively internet discussion.
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Recently, a disgruntled employee anonymously shared their experience on the X platform.
Reportedly, the employee’s boss held an open house and invited most of the office staff, allowing them to leave work an hour early.
However, the remaining 10% of employees, including the person who posted, weren’t invited and had to stay back for their regular working hours.
Rightfully, the employee expressed their unhappiness with this situation.
They described the feeling of watching colleagues happily pack up and leave early for the party, while they were stuck at their desk waiting to finish work.
They further questioned whether this kind of work culture is fair, highlighting the potential for discouragement and demotivation among excluded employees.
It is accepted for any employee to feel a certain way when they were not invited. What would you do if you were in their position?
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