A local breeder was robbed at knifepoint and hurt with a parang, losing two expensive cats along with his cell phone.

The breeder, who only wanted to be identified as Ryan, spoke to The Star about his trauma and revealed that on February 10, when one of the suspects came to his house to buy a cat.

A few days later, the suspect called him and said he was interested in purchasing two additional cats, a British Short Hair and a Munchkin, all of which were valued at RM10,000.

On February 18, he wanted to meet him at a mall parking lot. But he sensed something wasn’t quite right, so he met him at a nearby bus stop instead.

When his girlfriend and him arrived there at 7:30 p.m., they saw that the buyer’s automobile was damaged beyond recognition, as if it had recently been in an accident.

“I entered the buyer’s car to speak with him, and that’s when he pulled out a knife and demanded that I give him all of my money,“ the man claimed.

Ryan claimed that after that, the suspect gave one of his cronies the order to kidnap the cats from Ryan’s girlfriend, who was sitting in the car and unaware of the situation.

He then recognized his chance to go and unlocked the car door as soon as he noticed the suspect’s accomplice getting out of the vehicle to remove the cats.

Tragically, the suspect took out a parang and struck him with it, injuring his right arm and leg , necessitating 36 stitches.

According to Harian Metro, following the assault, the suspects made off with Ryan’s cell phone and the two cats.

Ryan claimed that because the suspects are aware of his residence, he is traumatized and worries that they may return.

Assistant Commissioner Mohamad Fakhrudin Abdul Hamid, the head of the Petaling Jaya district police, announced that multiple arrests have been made and a statement would be released shortly.