It is normal for every newly married couple to sign up for a wedding photo shoot. The experience allows you to capture memories to last a lifetime, and eventually show your children and grandchildren.

When it comes to wedding photography and videography, finding the right location is important, especially one that offers couples suitable privacy while they pose for the cameraman, as well as a variety of looks and backgrounds for their pictures.

However, recently a TikTok video went viral for showing a couple who decided to hold their wedding photoshoot in an old abandoned building. In the behind-the-scenes video, the couple were shown to be looking for the perfect spot to pose for their photographs.

What’s interesting is that fact that they choose an old building over other, more conventionally beautiful places. The couple were right in thinking the building would be unique, as the results are truly amazing.

Netizens shared their views in the comment section, with most praising the couple for their taste in location. Others felt that the location looked too scary, and a few wondered if the place was haunted. One user joked: “[In a] place like this, there’s going to be another couple in the picture.”

The video garnered 557,900 views, 38,300 likes and 616 comments on TikTok.

Watch the video here.