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A German national married to a Malaysian woman has voiced his concern over what he perceives as a declining use of Bahasa Melayu among Malaysians.

Residing in Hamburg with his family, Michael Luebke shared his thoughts during an interview with Awani Pagi, emphasising that many Malaysians seem to favour English over their national language, even within their own homes.

He expressed in an impressively fluent Malay how he was worried that this shift could lead to a gradual erosion of Malaysian culture and identity.

He highlighted the importance of language, not only as a tool for communication but as a symbol of a civilization’s majesty.

Reflecting on the past, he noted that Malaysians once fiercely defended their language and culture, a sentiment he feels has weakened over time.

In his own household, Luebke prioritises the use of Bahasa Melayu to ensure that his four children remain connected to their cultural roots.

Alongside the language, he and his wife teach their children Malaysian customs and values, such as respect and the unique harmony found within Malaysia’s diverse society.

Having learned Bahasa Melayu himself, he finds the language easy to pick up and has become fluent after years of practice.

He shared that learning the language was enjoyable, particularly because some pronunciations are similar to German.