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MALAYSIA was recently ranked third in Asia and 26th in the world for having high English proficiency, as revealed by the 2024 EF English Proficiency Index (EF EPI).

But not all Malaysians are fluent in English and instead opt for Malaysian English or ‘Manglish’ even at the workplace!

@jan_1513 took to his X account to share a photograph of a signage placed in a hotel in Johor Bahru warning visitors and patrons not to touch the Christmas decoration.

The signage however was riddled with grammatical errors much to the amusement @jan_1513, who aptly captioned his post, “Malaysian English”.

“Reminder all guest hotel, please don’t playing and touch this decoration Christmas.

“If any item broken from this decoration, you will be paid RM300. Don’t coming inside and don’t touch!” warned the sign.

ALSO READ: Tourist says M’sians speak “far better English”

Naturally, the post has gone viral with more than 280,000 views and more than 140 comments from netizens tickled pink by the signage.

What really took the cake was the fact that the sign said that the hotel would actually reward anyone RM300 if they broke the decoration which led to many netizens suggesting that it was “easy money”.

“Easiest RM300 ever made,” joked @miqatsum7.

“So they’ll be paying those who break the items? Ok coo! Just so we’re clear here, RM300 per item, right? Got it! Mak is ready.” commented @Nuriwa_J.

A few netizens also commented how such grammar errors could occur where there are Artificial Intelligence (AI) services available online to use.

“With ChatGPT around, i still dont get these errors,” said @LJ_VanHuizen.

READ MORE: Malaysia ranked 3rd in Asia and 26th in the world for English proficiency