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A Malaysian recently decided to take a unique approach and utilise his drone instead of a GPS to determine how long the traffic would hold him there.

Ariff Aiman, a photographer, published a clip on one of his friends’ TikTok accounts about his inventive idea after being stuck in traffic on a highway for a while.

The video began with Ariff showing his surroundings of the traffic gridlock, with other drivers exiting their vehicles to see what was keeping everyone back.

Ariff, who had a drone in the car, decided to take matters into his own hands and utilise the gadget.

After turning it on and launching the drone far into the sky, Ariff maneuvered it to gauge the extent of the traffic.

Ariff was taken aback by how gorgeous his surroundings were as he took in the sight of a convoy of cars, trucks, and motorbikes.

However, he also realized that they still had a long way to go before they could escape the gridlock that lay ahead.

Ariff told the World of Buzz that the video was shot close to a Simpang Pulai, Perak, rest and recreation (R&R) stop.

Additionally, the photographer estimated that he had been detained in the standstill for around six hours since a truck accident up ahead had blocked both lanes of traffic.