THE Ipsos Malaysian Crime Monitor’s recent study revealed a growing sense of security among Malaysians with declining concerns of the country’s increasing crime rate.

66% of Malaysians believe that all citizens are treated with the “same level” of respect by the police, according to the Ipsos study.

Meanwhile, 65% of Malaysians have expressed confidence in the police preventing crimes in the country, effective in finding and arresting the right culprit after a crime and stopping non-violent and violent crimes from taking place.

The study also showed that 50% of Malaysians believe that the nation’s crime rate has remained the same in the past 12 months compared to the the previous year while Singapore shares the same sentiment at 52%.

ALSO READ: Crime prevention collective responsibility

Indonesia and Thailand on the other hand have raised concerns of increasing crime rate at 39% and 37%.

In terms of the significant causes of crime,,it was revealed that 57% of Malaysians chose poverty and unemployment while 50% responded with ineffective law enforcement.

Besides that, 28% of Malaysians believe the significant cause of crime in the country is due to the lack of education and the breakdown of traditional values.

The data used in this study is obtained from live interviews with 500 adults in Malaysia and 24,801 online interviews with adults aged 75-years-old and below from 33 countries during a 15 day period from March 22 to April 5.