As most people fear stray dogs roaming the streets, it is natural for those who are scared to want them put away but are we aware of what goes on in these dog pounds?

Pictures have surfaced online showing a municipal council dog pound keeping the unfortunate creatures in appalling conditions.

The Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better Facebook page had shared these images of many stray dogs stuffed in one cage looking malnourished with their ribcage jutting out.

“There are almost a 100 dogs,” they said in their post.

The post also called on to those who can adopt the dogs to give them a better home.

“How many people can foster these dog each? If you can, please WhatsApp 0122501497,” they added.

Netizens sympathized with the poor creatures and called for them to be released due to the horrific condition they are kept in.

“Pity them, they’re so skinny you can see their bones. It’s better to let them go so that they can find their own food. Caged but not given food. They have stomachs too,” a netizen commented.

“I still don’t understand what is the reason on catching them and putting them in cages without much food only to let them die. It’s better to let them roam freely so that they can find food to live,” another netizen said.

“Should bombard the municipality with calls and emails to show concern,” a netizen suggested.