RECENTLY, we celebrated World Password Day. History has proven that even large enterprises have fallen prey to hackers through basic password hygiene.

We have also been reminded that “common passwords are bad passwords”.

According to a VPN service company, ExpressVPN, “123456” is one of the most-used passwords in most places worldwide.

However, ExpressVPN took it a step further by sorting the frequently used passwords by country.

As for Malaysia and Indonesia, it turns out that “sayang” is a common password.

Meanwhile, the study also found that the most common password in Italy is “juventus”, a famous Italian football club.

ExpressVPN also pointed out that people are generally not good at selecting passwords.

In an online survey, they found that the average adult in the US uses the same password across six different websites or platforms, and some even opt to use their own first or last name in the passwords they create.