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MALAYSIA enforced a no-smoking ruling at all eateries and restaurants nationwide on Jan 1, 2019.

However, time and time again, we come across people who insist on ignoring the rule and continue puffing.

Hoping to instill a sense of fear in its customers, a restaurant in Kuala Lumpur has come up with an amusing ‘threatening’ signage to warn smokers to not smoke at their eatery.

TikTok user @mrlabi_ took to his account to share a quick 10-second video of the restaurant’s clever anti-smoking signage.

“Smokers will be shot, and if still alive, will be shot once again,” reads the signage.

Above the words is a picture of a black figure holding a gun to a man who appears to be smoking.

Naturally the video has gone viral on TikTok, with many Malaysians echoing the sentiment of the signage, with some inquiring the user regarding the location of the eatery.

“Which shop is this? I want to go. The world is peaceful when there’s no cigarette smoke while eating with my husband and children,” said TikTok user Ramizah.

“Every eatery should have such signage,” agreed another.

Some also shared their own experiences of visiting restaurants displaying similar funny notices.

“There’s this one shop, they put a summons notice on a banner that says ‘No smoking, our shop has been fined,” said TikTok user, Abyad.

“I once went to a Ayam Gepuk restaurant and on the trash bin, it was written ‘the place where your ex belongs’,” commented another.

ALSO READ: Local restaurant goes viral for leaving sarcastic comments under customer’s review