IN a viral tweet shared by a local man revealed how he stumbled upon a live video on TikTok where two of his colleagues were openly insulting him.

In the video, the colleagues criticised the man’s appearance, qualifications, and professional demeanour.

One of them remarked, “He was supposed to wear white to the interview but came in a different colour. He failed his exam and he only had an SPM certificate. I have SPM too.”

Despite the focus on his qualifications, the women also made derogatory comments about his looks, saying they wished for “someone better” at work.

“We need a better-looking man at work, and someone who is not arrogant,“ they said.

One of the women stated, “It’s good he quit. He acts all high and mighty. Does he think he’s really that handsome? He’s not even handsome, looks like a gay boy, his face is so pale, I’d slap him.”

The two women labelled the man as arrogant and claimed he “thought he was great,“ while expressing a desire for a more attractive male colleague in their car sales job.

However, the man did not remain passive. He recorded their comments and shared the video online.

In his response, he expressed shock and disappointment at the public nature of their remarks, especially given their brief two-week acquaintance.

“Allah is mighty. I didn’t expect that while scrolling through TikTok, I’d come across a live (video) where people were criticising me. I had only known these two for two weeks at my new job. We barely even got to know each other before they started roasting me (on) live (video),” he said.

According to the man, he initially did not intend for the video to go viral but was challenged by one of his former colleagues who was in the video to do so.

He said that he eventually quit his job to avoid the toxic environment.

“InshaaAllah there will be other opportunities. Quitting doesn’t mean giving up. It’s because I don’t want to stay in a toxic environment. If I stayed, I knew what would happen,” he stated.

He also humorously addressed the superficial nature of the criticism, pointing out the irony in one of the women’s comments about wanting a “smart and handsome” colleague.

“Maybe I’m not handsome enough, because in this live stream, she said she wants a man who’s ‘smart and handsome’. Actually, the one who said that already has a husband and two children, if I’m not mistaken,” he quipped.

The incident caused a stir online, with netizens calling the duo “sharp-tongued women” and urging the company to address the toxic behaviour.

They highlighted the problem of using TikTok for workplace gossip and stressed the need for a respectful work environment.

“I hope (refrains from mentioning official account) takes note. This is just getting caught criticising a colleague; who knows that they may be badmouthing the big boss in the group,” one netizen wrote.

Another commented, “Her mindset is terrible, so demeaning about only studying up to SPM. May everything go well for you.”