THE spirit of Malaysia has truly shined through in this devastating time. Throughout the ongoing flood crisis, many Malaysians have graciously been helping the victims across the nation.

Abang Azwan is one such citizen who has rushed to the rescue of those in need.

According to Twitter user Cheng, Abang Azwan had driven to Puchong from Melaka to help evacuate victims.

He wrote: “Abang Azwan came from Melaka and brought his boat to help in Shah Alam this morning, he then went to backup Puchong, and now he wants to go to Sri Muda to help the victims there.”

Cheng added that after saving the victims, Abang Azwan lit up a cigarette before continuing to offer his help elsewhere.

To further his cause, Abang Azwan even set up a donation fund to purchase items for the affected families.

His story has since garnered a lot of love online, with many netizens thanking him for his generous deed. Cheng’s social media post has over 25,800 likes and 29, 100 shares.

Thank you, Abang Azwan for helping your fellow Malaysians in need! We truly need more kind individuals like you in this trying time.