DJING is a great pastime that, for some people, turns into their ideal profession. The basic concept for becoming a DJ is utilising equipment to play music from two or more sources while using different music modification techniques to prevent pauses and gaps while combining songs. DJs would simply switch back and forth between two versions of the same song to produce unique sounds. Within the DJ community, this has now developed into an art form.
The capacity to manipulate music to express oneself is regarded as an incredible talent. DJs often play inside of a nightclub or on a concert stage, but they also take the stage during other occasions, including performing during radio broadcasts or podcasts, to even a cafe or late-night bar setting. In addition to performing at private events such as weddings, runway shows, live broadcasts, and even just home parties or domestic gatherings, they also perform at house parties.
DJs who specialise in doing routines for competitions are among the more unusual sorts of DJs. Some DJs play live music alongside snippets or background tracks as part of a band. They all share a passion for music and putting it together, which is what brings them together.
theSun recently reached out to DJ Dodo and DJ Mia, two brilliant up-and-coming DJs. We chose to have them take us behind the scenes so that we could learn more about their lives and their profession.
We asked them a wide range of questions, such as how they got started as DJs, where they find the inspiration for their mixes and tracks, and what advice they would provide to those looking to follow in their footsteps.
When did you start your career as a DJ?
DJ Dodo: “It began in 2019. I had a job as a videographer for more than six years. But I’ve always had fun mixing and editing music. I’ve always known for some reason that I wasn’t cut out to be a videographer. The daily journey to work wasn’t as interesting. But ever since I started paying attention to music, I’ve felt that thrill, which is why I chose to pursue DJing.”
DJ Mia: “I first became interested in DJing as a pastime. Before I became wholly devoted to DJing, I worked at a few jobs. I signed up for the Guan Pin DJ academy. I was driven by the conviction that, if I were to do it, I had to do it correctly. Eventually, I encountered an opportunity in 2019 and seized it.”

What is it about music that drew you to it?
DJ Dodo: “It is fair to state that the major causes of it were TikTok and DouYin. I keep up with social media trends extremely well, and it frequently inspires me. You are aware, I’m sure, that individuals today frequently copy what they read or see online. Similar to this, I drew inspiration from all the remixes I saw online and combined different elements in my own way. I truly like viewing all of these songs, so I was interested in making sure that everyone entering the club where I’m playing would also enjoy seeing and listening to them.”
DJ Mia: “I have always loved music. Ever since I was young, music has been my companion. I wanted to make sure that my love of music will always be there for me. I’ve already said that I’ve had a couple full-time jobs, and I’ve often wondered if this is the type of life I want to lead. I liked picking up new talents, and ironically, as I was trying to figure out my life, I realised that I really wanted to be a DJ. Something that I first took up as a pastime but which finally made me into the person I am today.”
What music genre do you focus on?
DJ Dodo: “”I focus on Vinahouse, Bounce, EDM, and Chinese hard dance. Although I do play other genres, the ones mentioned above are where I put most of my attention.”
DJ Mia: “I play the mixed breed of house, psytrance, EDM, hard-styles, and Vina.”

What would you say is the most rewarding part of being a DJ?
DJ Dodo: “I am aware that my profession is unique in this regard. I don’t work from 10am to 6pm. My workday might begin as early as 8pm or even 12am. But I actually really like doing it. It more closely resembles going out every night to enjoy myself with a group of strangers rather than feeling like work. I adore engaging with crowds when I’m playing, and most importantly, meeting new people is enjoyable.”
DJ Mia: “For me, the ability to make my pastime my job is already something I am quite proud of. I make a great living at the same time. What more could I possibly want?”
When did you actually realise you are well known among people?
DJ Dodo: “Last year, when my buddies and I went to a club, I could really see people whispering as they entered. I eventually had people come up to me and ask whether I’m DJ Dodo. For me, it was a moment to be proud.”
DJ Mia: “People already know who I am since I have a pretty sizeable social media following, but when I go to bars and clubs, I frequently have people approach me and admire my music and my work. Some even wanted photos with me. I was quite excited since I never once imagined that I would be addressed in such a way.”
Can you tell us about your first experience as a DJ?
DJ Dodo: “Wow, it feels like yesterday. I can still feel the anxiety I had. I would practise at the studio day and night. I’ve always seen myself giving a performance in front of an audience. When the real day arrived, I behaved precisely as I would while working alone in the studio. Being right next to me, my leader, DJ KING-K, helped me in calming down. Even if it wasn’t the best, it was nonetheless a memorable first experience.”
DJ Mia: “Can Thin Bar was where I made my DJ debut. As it was my first performance, I was of course really anxious. No one was anticipating, of course, but after 30 minutes of pandering to the throng, I did manage to make some headway.”

What are some of the challenges you faced when you first started?
DJ Dodo: “Now, when I first started mixing and playing Chinese music, I was constantly frightened of being condemned for doing so. In reality, I received criticism from others around me. In all honesty, that really disturbed me. I would spend days in the studio working out what kinds of beats and songs I could perform so that people of all races would appreciate them. Second, I’m terrible at reading crowds. I’m unsure if they enjoy it or dislike it. Of course, even my parents would be upset, telling me to get a real job and stop putting my future at danger.”
DJ Mia: “I had a full-time job, so juggling both was almost impossible. To be honest, I [struggled] a lot, but I’ve always believed that nothing worthwhile comes easily. To succeed, I have to fight for it.”
How has your experience and music transformed throughout your work?
DJ Dodo: “After playing for a time, I believe I now understand [it] better. I am able to recognise what audiences enjoy, what sort of tunes they prefer and I am able to [read] their body language better. Like they say, in order to be the best, you must have experience. Even if I’m not the best yet, I can say that I’ve improved.”
DJ Mia: “I succeeded in finding my own style. Back then, I would spend my days trying to win over the crowd, but today I just go with my gut. I want people to trust the cuts, the editing, and the music. And yeah, it’s effective.”

What do you do to motivate the crowd if nobody is dancing?
DJ Dodo: “I would play songs that are trendy now. It will definitely be helpful. I could play a really well-known tune, and everyone would start dancing.”
DJ Mia: “I have my own signature dance. I would go to the centre of the stage and dance if I saw that nobody is genuinely grooving. People would finally start paying attention as I get everyone to dance with me. The greatest approach to grab the crowd’s attention, in my opinion, is through communication.”
How do you think it’s best to react when you receive a negative review about your skills?
DJ Dodo: “With me, it’s really straightforward; I’ll take any sincere criticism from audience. I embrace positive comments and dismiss negative ones.”
DJ Mia: “I’d simply ignore them. I’ve overheard individuals discussing how risky it is for women to work in my field behind my back. I am a strong, independent woman who always stands up for myself, no matter the circumstances.”

Who is the one person who has influenced your growth the most?
DJ Dodo: “My leaders, DJ KING-K and DJ KAKA, constantly supported me and helped me grow. They supported me and, more significantly, they had faith in my skills. Despite me having self-doubt, they trusted me the most.”
DJ Mia: “I admire DJ Sura, a female DJ from Korea. Her charismatic nature and extraordinary abilities have always captivated me and inspired me to put in more effort.”
Is there any advice you would like to give to any young person who wants to become a full time DJ?
DJ Dodo: “Belief in yourself, even if nobody else does. Work hard at your practise; being a DJ is hard but not impossible.”
DJ Mia: “Study hard. Work smartly and, most importantly, have faith in your abilities.”
To find out where you can catch their next performances, you can follow them on Instagram:
► DJ Dodo: @dodo.twf
► DJ Mia: @dj_miaq
We wish DJ Dodo and DJ Mia the best of luck in their future endeavours!’