Reboot your brain

HUMAN brain is truly the most amazing part of the body. How you experience your life is all in the mind and brain! Your brain comes up with creative ways to express your thoughts and emotions, coordinate movements from cooking to running an obstacle course, store your most precious memories with your love one, and solve all the problems on daily basis. But it’s easy to take those powers for granted.

In this fast paced and competitive modern world, with the speed of communication through emails, whatsapps and teleconferences, our brains are under tremendous assaults as compared to our forefathers. Often the unreasonable demands for overtime, short deadlines, and multitasking cause burnout and mental fatigue.

The brain hits its peak performance at the age of 30 and will start to deteriorate slowly after that with significant changes setting in later in life. It may take some time, even years later before the brain functions start to slow down and fuzziness in recalling information starts to kick in. University College London researchers have found a 3.6% decline in mental reasoning in women and men aged 45-49 and the brain starts to shrink slowly in volume by 60 years of age.

The common complains of overworked brain include feeling of tiredness despite sufficient sleep and rest, brain fog and fuzziness, drop in productivity, forgetting important tasks on a regular basis and inability to concentrate and pay attention.

The fuel required for the brain to function optimally affects the structure and neurons within the brain. Good quality “fuel” enhances performance, much like how premium fuel works best in an expensive car. Put simply, the “fuel” comes from food, which get broken down into nutrients. The nutrients are then used to create neurotransmitters, the vital molecules that play major roles in healthy brain functions and mood.

SAM-e, also known as S-adenosyl-L Methionine, is a natural molecule produced in the body. SAM-e is an important component to facilitate the unique but very natural process in the body called “Methylation”. This critical process is involved in more than 100 biochemical pathways in the human body such as synthesising hormones, enzymes and other protein chemicals such as the neurotransmitters in the brain.

In short, SAM-e helps to keep the brain balanced, energised and protected from many brain disorders such as dementia, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and other brain related diseases. However, just like other good substances in the body, the level of SAM-e declines as one ages.

In its native form, SAM-e is labile and degrades rapidly at room temperature. Gnosis, an Italy pharmaceutical company has managed to address this issue and successfully developed a commercially stable SAM-e called Adonat®. It is produced through the extraction of selected highly productive yeasts, using a patented fermentation technology, which generate SAM-e with superior quality.

Adonat® contains the highest potency of active SAM-e which allows it to deliver maximum health benefits and is supported by more than 83 human clinical trials worldwide. Adonat® has been clinically proven to be effective in improving brain health. SAM-e by Adonat® has also shown numerous positive clinical outcomes for liver health, lung health, bone health and skin health.

Ask your pharmacist today about SAM-e by Adonat® and start to regain back the power in your brain.

This health information is brought to you by the panel pharmacists of Cambert (M) Sdn Bhd. For further clarification, contact Cambert at 03-5638 3660 (Monday to Friday, 9 am to 5 pm), or email: