MOST Malaysians suffer from skin irritations at one point or another as we are constantly exposed to hot and humid weather all year round, causing the skin to dry up which leads to eczema, psoriasis or other skin ailments.

Such predicaments have impacted the quality of everyday life for countless people regardless of age group.

Suu Balm recognises the plight of many and has set out to liberate us from the torment of itch.

The rapid itch relief skincare brand developed by dermatologist Dr Tey Hong Liang at the National Skin Centre in Singapore is a simple solution to soothe the nerves behind an itch.

Present at the launch of Suu Balm were Watsons Malaysia head of trading Foo Hwei Jiek as well as Suu Balm co-founders Dr John O’Shea and Jason Humphries.

Not all moisturisers are created equal, therefore Suu Balm combines the natural itch relieving and cooling properties of menthol with a high concentration of ceramide based moisturiser to restore the skin’s natural barrier.

O’Shea shared: “Hearing parents talk about seeing their kids traumatised by constant itch is really hard, you feel their pain very acutely.

“Then hearing how Suu Balm has helped give rapid relief and a proper night’s sleep for their kids and themselves too gives us the drive to bring these products to even more people.”

The nourishing moisturiser provides instant itch relief effectively in a few minutes, and if used regularly will prevent it from recurring.

The complete Suu Balm range includes Rapid Itch Relieving Body Moisturiser and Cream Body Wash for adults and Ceramide Moisturiser and Head to Toe Body Wash for kids.

Watsons has a Purchase-With-Purchase offer of 30% off on Suu Balm Washes for Kids and the Original range from now until April 1.