TOURISM is a term that can be vague when used broadly or misapplied to recreational activities that generate no income, such as visiting natural sites like beaches and jungles, or manmade areas with free ...
DURING a talk at the Malaysia-China Summit on Dec 18, Song Hoi-See, the founder of global airport lounge operator Plaza Premium Group, called on the government to tap into “emotional tourism” as traditional ...
ON Nov 13, a report titled “Kelantan sedia perkenal pelancongan musim tengkujuh” (Kelantan is ready to introduce monsoon tourism) was published based on remarks made by the State Tourism, Culture, Arts ...
LIFELONG learning is commonly understood as the ongoing development of one’s knowledge and skills, rather than stopping formal education after obtaining a certificate, diploma or degree years ago.
ON Oct 1, a school bus with 38 students and six teachers on a field trip caught fire on the outskirts of Bangkok, resulting in the deaths of 25 passengers. The remaining 16 students and three teachers ...
IT is a given that digitilisation is the way forward or you will be left behind. Other than using big data analytics deployed by central governments and giant corporations, what can other organisations ...